Help with Property Taxes

I have been working hard on ways to lower your Property Taxes for many years in Harrisburg. Below are links that can help York County residents start saving on Property Taxes today. Along with links to legislation I am currently working on to provide more relief to home owners.

Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

Homestead Exclusion

Senior Local Tax Reduction Incentive Volunteer Exchange
Dover Area SD
Spring Grove Area SD

Taxpayer Relief Act

Act 25 of 2011

School Property Tax Reform Legislation

2015-2016 Efforts

·         Taxpayer Relief Act Comprehensive Update

·         HB 504 – School Property Tax Relief

·         HB 1482 - Reintroduction of the Optional Property Tax Elimination Act (House Bill 1189)

·         Letter Regarding Dover School District and Washington Township

Prior Sessions Efforts (2012-2014)

·         House School Property Tax Reform Package 2013

·         HB 1189 of 2013, Optional Property Tax Elimination Act (OPTEA)

·         HB2230 of 2012


Efforts to Address the Causes of Property Tax Increases

·         Education Cost Cutting Legislation
What we have done 

·         School Building Construction Reform
HB 210 - Overhaul of the School Construction Reimbursement Program to Help our School Districts

·         PlanCon Rewrite

·         HB 244 of 2012

·         HB 257 of 2011 (in law)

·      School District Administrative Merger
School District Administrative Consolidation StudyFull Report 

·         Pension Reform
Senate Bill 1

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