Feb. 09, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – The House State Government Committee approved several bills at its meeting Wednesday morning, its chairman, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), announced.
Feb. 08, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – In response Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan to increase spending by $6.2 billion, the York County House Republican delegation consisting of House Appropriations Chairman Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), House State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover), Game and Fisheries Committee Chairman Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) and Reps. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg) and Mike Jones (R-York Township) issued the following statement:
Feb. 08, 2022 /
WHAT: The House State Government Committee will take up the following bills during its next meeting:
Feb. 07, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough recommended the citizens’ map, drawn by Lehigh Valley resident Amanda Holt, be used as the congressional redistricting map in the upcoming election, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), who introduced the map in House Bill 2146, said.
Feb. 04, 2022 /
WHAT: Knowing campaign dollars have major impacts on elections, the House State Government Committee will meet for an informational hearing to review recent legal precedents regarding donor disclosure and campaign finance regulations.
Jan. 31, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – Nearly $700,000 in Growing Greener grants have been awarded to restore creeks in York County, Reps. Seth Grove (R-Dover) and Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) announced today.
Jan. 27, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – In response to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision to uphold the Commonwealth Court ruling regarding mail-in ballots in Lehigh County, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), chair of the House State Government Committee, issued the following statement:
Jan. 27, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – In response to Gov. Tom Wolf vetoing the citizens’ congressional redistricting map, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) issued the following statement:
Jan. 26, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – To continue to propel good government practices and fiscal responsibility forward, the House State Government Committee today approved a series of bipartisan bills to improve the state bidding process, Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) said.
Jan. 25, 2022 /
WHAT: Knowing government spending must always be under scrutiny, the House State Government Committee will take up the following procurement reform bills during its next meeting:
Jan. 24, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – Following a months-long congressional redistricting process, the Senate today approved a congressional map drawn by citizen Amanda Holt and sent it to Gov. Tom Wolf for his signature, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), who introduced the map as House Bill 2146, said.
Jan. 12, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – For the first time in the history of the Commonwealth, the House advanced a congressional district map created by a citizen of Pennsylvania, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) announced.
Jan. 10, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – As state House and Senate redistricting impacts all residents of the Commonwealth, the House State Government Committee today approved legislation to create a citizen-driven commission charged with redistricting, committee Chairman Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) said.
Jan. 07, 2022 /
WHAT: The House State Government Committee will take up at its next meeting a series of bills to improve Pennsylvania’s election system and legislation to ensure citizens’ have a much larger say in the redistricting process. The committee will take up the following bills:
Jan. 06, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf has turned his back on public debate of the congressional redistricting process after he declined a public meeting to discuss the proposed citizen map, House Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster), House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) and House State Government Committee Chairman Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) said.
Jan. 06, 2022 /
WHAT: Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) will hold a press conference to discuss Gov. Tom Wolf’s refusal to meet to discuss the congressional redistricting map. He will also provide an overview of the redistricting process and discuss a proposed Citizens Redistricting Commission.
Jan. 04, 2022 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Responding to Gov. Tom Wolf’s request to provide his review of a proposed congressional redistricting map in a public forum, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), chair of the House State Government Committee, has invited the governor to a public meeting to fully discuss the map and listen to the governor’s thoughts of it
Jan. 04, 2022 / Press Release
DOVER – The further development of a community park in Dover Township will go ahead after the township received a $250,000 grant through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) announced today.
Jan. 04, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – In response to the Commonwealth Court’s decision to uphold current election law regarding mail-in ballots in Lehigh County, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), chair of the House State Government Committee, issued the following statement:
Jan. 03, 2022 /
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) wrote a letter to Legislative Reapportionment Commission Chairman Mark Nordenberg Monday suggesting that he follow the most transparent congressional redistricting process in Pennsylvania history, which was led by the House State Government Committee, and have the commission hold a hearing with the chairman’s map drawer, Dr. Jonathan Cervas, in order to fully and publicly examine the preliminary maps.