House State Government Committee Approves Citizen Map

Dec. 15, 2021 /

House State Government Committee Approves Citizen Map

HARRISBURG – In a historic vote, the House State Government Committee today approved a citizen-drawn map, taking a significant step forward in the most open and transparent congressional redistricting process in Pennsylvania history. The citizen map, which was submitted through the committee’s online mapping tool by Lehigh County resident Amanda Holt, was introduced by Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) as House Bill 2146.

State Government Committee to Take Up Congressional Redistricting Map on Monday

Dec. 10, 2021 /

WHAT: Following the most open and transparent congressional redistricting process in Pennsylvania history, the House State Government Committee selected a citizen map as its preliminary congressional plan. The preliminary plan, submitted through the committee’s online mapping tool by Lehigh County resident Amanda Holt, will be taken into consideration at the committee’s next meeting.

Grove Announces Citizen Map Selected as Preliminary Congressional Plan, Invites Public Comment

Dec. 08, 2021 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), chairman of the House State Government Committee, announced today that following the most open and transparent congressional redistricting process in Pennsylvania history, the committee has selected a citizen map as its preliminary congressional plan. The preliminary plan, submitted through the committee’s online mapping tool by Lehigh County resident Amanda Holt, is now posted for public comment.

House Tees Up Amended Voting Rights Protection Act for December Vote

Nov. 18, 2021 / Press Release

House Tees Up Amended Voting Rights Protection Act for December Vote

HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives today advanced an amended version of the Voting Rights Protection Act (House Bill 1800), setting up a final vote in December to modernize Pennsylvania’s election system, according to the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), chairman of the House State Government Committee.

York County House Members React to Court Decision on Mask Mandate

Nov. 10, 2021 /

HARRISBURG – State Reps. Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam), Seth Grove (R-Dover), Mike Jones (R-Dallastown), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) and Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), majority chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement in reaction to today’s Commonwealth Court decision to invalidate the mask mandate imposed on Pennsylvania’s schools by Acting Health Secretary Alison Beam:

Smooth Elections, Not So Fast

Nov. 10, 2021 / Press Release

Pennsylvania operates two election methods during every election: in-person voting and mail-in voting. While in-person voting went smoothly this past election, issues with mail-in voting still plague the Commonwealth. Prior to Election Day, we saw counties send out ballots and instructions which were inaccurate.

The Courts Should Not Be Setting Election Laws

Nov. 03, 2021 /

If you thought the Democratic Party was done manipulating our election laws through the Pennsylvania Court system, think again. Last year, the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit requesting six changes to the Pennsylvania Election Code. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rendered a verdict less than two months before the 2020 General Election. The decision made five major changes to our election laws:

The Courts Should Not Be Setting Election Laws

Nov. 01, 2021 /

If you thought the Democratic Party was done manipulating our election laws through the Pennsylvania Court system, think again. Last year, the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit requesting six changes to the Pennsylvania Election Code. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rendered a verdict less than two months before the 2020 General Election. The decision made five major changes to our election laws:

Committee Approves New Rules for Lobbying in Pennsylvania

Oct. 25, 2021 /

HARRISBURG – Working to make sure the voices of Pennsylvania outweigh the wallets of lobbying firms that pay to influence policymakers, the House State Government Committee approved with bipartisan support a package of legislation to modernize and reform lobbying laws, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), chairman of the committee, announced today.

State Government Committee to Consider New Rules for Lobbyists

Oct. 22, 2021 /

WHAT: The House State Government Committee will meet Monday to consider several bills to increase openness and transparency in the lobbying process, limit the influence of professional lobbyists and hold lobbyists to a higher standard of ethical conduct.