Grove Announces Grants to Benefit Residents
March 18, 2025
DOVER – Two projects in the 196th Legislative District received state funding totaling more than $131,000, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) announced today.
New Salem Borough received $85,268 for the Robin Hood-Palmer project to reconstruct a 600-foot section of Robin Hood Drive damaged by subsurface groundwater. The broken concrete curb will also be replaced. The Palmer Avenue part of the project consists of replacing a 230-foot section of the road.
The APJ Foundation received $45,753 to design a building addition at its West Manchester Township location. The addition would expand the training facility and include a classroom, restroom and a single-bay automotive service garage. The APJ Foundation offers mental health services, mentorship and automotive training to at-risk 16-24 year olds.
“These projects will be a benefit to residents across the district and beyond,” Grove said. “I look forward to seeing how they will help improve the quality of life in our community.”
In addition, Grove helped secure $64,778 for the Jewish Community Center to install a new lighted, double-sided sign in front of its location on Hollywood Drive. The sign will feature its name and logo and an LED digital screen to share information about upcoming events and resources to increase community awareness of programming.
The projects are funded through the Local Share Account program through the Commonwealth Financing Authority. Projects eligible for funding through the program must be in the public interest and aim to improve the quality of life of citizens in the community.
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /
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