Grove Leads Examination of Overzealous Labor Law Enforcement in PA

February 25, 2025

HARRISBURG – Joined by fellow Republican members of the House Labor and Industry Committee and business experts, Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover) led a LIGER (Labor and Industry Government Efficiency Roundtable) discussion on overzealous labor law enforcement practices by the Department of Labor and Industry.

During the meeting, Grove shared news of a company that received 154 violations from the department for not recording that employees who are minors received required breaks even though there were no violations that the company did not provide the breaks. The company asked for an educational visit, which was initially denied.

“This was clearly a clerical error. The only violation is that the company, Pioneer Pole Buildings, Inc., forgot to mark the breaks down on paper, not an instance of the law actually being violated,” Gove said. “The fact the company asked for an educational visit clearly shows its intent to follow the law. Unfortunately, the department took the stance to fine first, educate later, if at all.”

During his testimony, Greg Mooreland, Pennsylvania state director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, highlighted the impossible web small business owners must weave to meet the many regulations, often created and always enforced by career bureaucrats, at the federal, state and local levels.

“What we heard today was how difficult the Department of Labor and Industry makes it for businesses to operate in Pennsylvania,” Grove said. “If there is any hope of creating thriving local and statewide economies, it must start with commonsense regulations. Government overreach must stop. It does nothing but harm the free market and quashes growth.”

Grove’s LIGER initiative is a series of policy roundtable discussions being held throughout the session on issues under the committee’s purview, focusing on improving government efficiency, effectiveness and accountability.

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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