Feb. 04, 2025

HARRISBURG – Following Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget address, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) issued the following statement: 

“Shapiro came into office with a budget of $42.7 billion and an $8 billion budget surplus. In just his third budget, he has eviscerated the $8 billion budgetary surplus and is proposing to balloon the state budget by $9 billion from when he took office by raiding the Rainy Day Fund. This level of financial mismanagement, even for Pennsylvania, is unprecedented.

“What are the outcomes of all this spending? Do we have a growing population? Have our students’ test scores drastically improved?  Is our economic growth off the charts? What exactly is our return on investment?

“It’s simple, taxpayers get the status quo. Bigger government, bigger spending and no improvements. Garbage in, and garbage out.”

For the last two years Grove has laid out a better path, a pathway to sustainability:

(1) Zero-based budgeting like Shapiro implemented in Montgomery County to refocus state agencies on their core mission.
(2) With a proposed $1.9 billion increase to the Department of Human Services:
   (a) Work requirements for able-bodied welfare recipients.
   (b) Elimination of fraud, waste and abuse (Shapiro said there is $2 billion of fraud).
   (c) Integrating mental health and physical health Medicaid.

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepGrove.com / Facebook.com/RepSethGrove
