Statement from Chairman Grove on Overturning of League of Women Voters Frivolous Attempt to Attack Election Integrity

March 28, 2024

HARRISBRUG – Yesterday, a frivolous lawsuit challenging the General Assembly’s constitutional authority to write laws was dismissed by the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.  

In response to this resounding defeat, House Republican Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) released the following statement: 

“In 2020 and 2021, I fought to ensure Pennsylvania’s Election Code was being followed to the letter of the law. The third circuit’s ruling ends frivolous attempts to use the courts to re-write Pennsylvania’s Election Code and affirms the signature and dating requirements on mail-in ballots are legal and should be enforced.  Writing laws that keep elections safe, secure and efficient is entirely within the Legislature’s authority.”
“As a legislator, I will always remain focused on protecting our democracy and ensuring our elections are free, fair, safe, and secure, and that we follow the letter of the law. Let this ruling be another reminder that taking legal advice from far partisan far-left groups is never a winning strategy.”  

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charlie O’Neill
717.260.6121 /

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