Sep. 13, 2022
HARRISBURG – The York County Republican delegation to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives joined a large bipartisan group of lawmakers to hold Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner in contempt after he refused to adhere to a subpoena issued by the House Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order.
In response, the delegation, consisting of House Appropriations Chairman Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), House State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover), Game and Fisheries Committee Chairman Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) and Reps. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg) and Mike Jones (R-York Township), issued the following statement:
“We did not come to the action we took today lightly. Rather, moving to hold a sitting district attorney in contempt only came after he twice refused to accept a House-issued subpoena and, after his attorneys accepted an electronic version of it, refused to comply with it.
“As a district attorney, Krasner should know the law applies to everyone, including those who are supposed to uphold the law. It is more than clear that we reached this point because of the actions of the district attorney.
“It is also more than clear that this investigation is not politically motivated, as Krasner and his allies falsely claim, when 162 representatives – more than two-thirds of House members – voted in support of holding Krasner accountable today.”
York County House Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives