Grove Unveils Report on Continued Chaos in Pennsylvania Elections

July 19, 2022

HARRISBURG – As Pennsylvania’s elections continue to operate in disarray, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), chairman of the House State Government Committee, released a report on the state of the electoral process.

“It didn’t take long for Gov. Tom Wolf to start meddling with Pennsylvania’s elections. Just two years after taking office, he decertified all voting machines, leaving counties scrambling to cover costs to replace them,” Grove said. “That put us on a slippery path of the governor and his Democrat allies further tinkering with the election process, causing confusion for voters and chaos at the polls in each election since then.”

The report found many of the issues faced by voters and counties are because Wolf failed to compromise on policies in the Voting Rights Protection Act, which would have improved the election process. Pennsylvanians and county election administrators can only hope he will finally realize the need to address substantial election reform and process changes.

As June 30 marked the one-year anniversary of the governor’s veto of House Bill 1300, Grove developed an interim report to provide a brief summary of that legislation, as well as an overview of:

• Ongoing updates on the problematic state of election administration in Pennsylvania.
• Continued issues experienced by voters and counties.
• Sustained efforts by the House Republican Caucus to seek an agreement on election reform.

“It is my hope all sides and stakeholders can come to the table to compromise and bring true and meaningful election reform to Pennsylvania voters,” Grove said. “House Republicans have stood, and still stand, ready to address the myriad of election issues urgently in need of correction.”

Read the report here

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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