Apr. 26, 2022
WHAT: To protect Pennsylvania taxpayers, the House State Government Committee will meet Wednesday to discuss several pension reform bills, including disallowing future Susquehanna River Basin Commission employees, who are not state employees, from joining the state pension system. The committee will also take up two bills to improve the current Right-to-Know Law.
The committee will take up the following bills:
House Bill 811 would remove future Susquehanna River Basin Commission employees, who are not state employees, from the state pension system.
House Bill 1578 would amend the State Employees’ Retirement Code and the Public School Employees’ Retirement Code to clearly establish that the contribution collars are no longer in effect and ensure that the Commonwealth pay the annual required contribution each year.
House Bill 1671 would require more robust and transparent management fee reporting standards from State Employees Retirement Board and Public School Employees’ Retirement Board.
House Bill 2010 would require any trustee, board member or other appointed or elected official who stands in a fiduciary relationship to a state, county or local pension system, or to a fund of the Commonwealth, to obtain two hours of initial training and one hour of annual training in fiduciary law.
House Bill 2485 would specify the Pennsylvania Treasury Department not disperse any funds for any contract which has not been submitted to the public Contracts e-Library database to ensure 100% compliance by state agencies.
House Bill 2524 would provide numerous needed updates to the Right-to-Know Law, such as requiring agencies to register open records officer contact information with the state’s Office of Open Records; permitting agencies to ask requesters whether records will be used for commercial purposes; a new penalty for false certification relating to commercial requests; additional privacy and public safety clarifications; updates to comply with recent court rulings; and permission to assess reasonable, standard fees for commercial requests, with an exception for media requests.
WHO: Chairman Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) will be joined by committee members.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 27, at 9 a.m.
WHERE: Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in the Captiol Complex, Harrisburg.
LIVE WEBSTREAMING: The meeting will be streamed live at
Media contact: Greg Gross, 717.260.6374, ggross@pahousegop.com