Apr. 07, 2022
HARRISBURG – Facing criticism over the handling of the 2020 election, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich released a report, which included recommendations to improve elections and address a series of vulnerabilities. The Arizona attorney general’s recommendations were very similar to election fixes included in Pennsylvania’s Voting Rights Protection Act (
House Bill 1300), said Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), author of the legislation.
“The report clearly shows the elections issues here in the Commonwealth aren’t just a Pennsylvania problem. Rather, they are widespread and must be addressed,” Grove said. “The solutions to the issues are also very similar, and I am glad to see an attorney general standing up to protect voters and the election process.”
The Arizona report provides recommendations to issues, such as banning the use of private money to fund elections, auditing election results and the use of drop boxes.
Grove noted the Arizona report was issued just a couple of days after the Lehigh County district attorney announced hundreds of voters likely returned more than one ballot to drop boxes. Pennsylvania election law requires a voter to return his or her own ballot unless an authorization form is filled out.
Under the Voting Rights Protection Act, drop boxes would be staffed by poll workers and under the watchful eye of a video surveillance camera. In addition, bi-partisan observers would be allowed to be at the drop boxes.
“Drop boxes are no different from a polling place, which are staffed by numerous people throughout Election Day, and should be treated as such,” Grove said. “It is my hope the General Assembly moves quickly to provide solutions to the problems facing our elections so voters can cast ballots with confidence.”
The Voting Rights Protection Act would also require regular election audits; enhance certification processes for all machines used in elections; improve lists of registered voters; and conduct an audit of every election before results are certified. The bill is currently awaiting a final vote in the House.
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross