Mar. 28, 2022

WHAT:    The House State Government Committee is back in action tomorrow when it’ll meet to vote on several bills. The committee will take up the following bills:

House Bill 2066 would require the judicial branch to consolidate operations outside of Harrisburg. This will reduce costs and increase efficiencies in the judiciary. Since March 2020, the courts have been utilizing virtual hearings, verifying it can function without branch operations.
House Bill 2171 would roll back historical land use restrictions to allow for a 2.76-acre parcel of land to be sold to Camp Freedom, a non-profit organization focused on creating an opportunity for disabled individuals and disabled veterans and first responders to experience the outdoors.
House Bill 2447 would divest the Commonwealth’s holdings in the State Treasurer, the State Employees’ Retirement System and the Public School Employees’ Retirement System of investments in companies doing business in Russia and Belarus.
House Bill 2449 would require legislative expenses be provided by the chief clerk of the House and the clerk of the Senate, and for the Legislative Data Processing Center to publish such expenses on its internet website.
Senate Bill 1020 would convey land to residents in Lebanon County, who would exchange land they own to the Commonwealth to be added to those existing lands at Swatara State Park.

WHO:     Committee Chairman Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) will be joined by committee members.

WHEN:    Tuesday, March 29, at the call of the chair. 

WHERE:  Room 523, Irvis Office Building, Captiol Complex, Harrisburg

LIVE WEBSTREAMING:     The meeting will be streamed live at

Media contact:     Greg Gross, 717.260.6374,
