Feb. 09, 2022
HARRISBURG – The House State Government Committee approved several bills at its meeting Wednesday morning, its chairman, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), announced.
During the meeting, the committee advanced
House Bill 1712 to create the Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program within the Department of General Services (DGS) in Pennsylvania.
“This would have a direct positive economic impact on small businesses in communities across the state, including here in York County as York City is a HUBZone under the federal program,” Grove said.
The committee advanced the following bills to the House for consideration:
House Bill 1281 would prohibit a government agency that intends to enter a public works contract from preparing contract specifications that are exclusionary or discriminatory, to the extent that they either specify a particular brand name or otherwise limit consideration of other brand names.
House Bill 2183 would allow the Department of General Services to set the employee threshold to meet Federal Small Business Administration’s small business size regulations.
Senate Bill 116 would further provide for definitions in powers and duties of Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, further provide for specific powers and duties, for personal property and for documents and provide for Commonwealth archival records, for local government archival records and for access to older public records; and, in historic properties, further provide for title to historic property and for powers over certain historic property.
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepGrove.com /