Deadline to Submit Congressional District Maps Extended to Monday, Grove Says

December 3, 2021

HARRISBURG – Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), chairman of the House State Government Committee, today announced an extension of the deadline to draw and submit congressional district maps.

“I want to ensure everyone who wants to draw or submit their congressional district map proposal has ample time to do so,” Grove said. “We rolled out this mapping tool nearly a month ago, but, as I’m sure those who have already submitted maps know, creating a map is time consuming and requires a lot of research.” 

Residents now have until 5 p.m. this Monday, Dec. 6, to submit and draw maps. 

Residents wishing to draw or submit maps can do so by clicking on the Provide Input tab at Once there, they can submit maps or create maps using tools on the site. Users can also view previously held hearings, read testimony and sign up to receive updates. 

To ensure public input is heard loud and clear, the House State Government Committee, which is tasked with creating new congressional district maps, held 12 hearings, including eight regional hearings in various parts of the state to receive input from residents.

The U.S. Census is administrated once every 10 years to gather information, which ultimately determines how many U.S. representatives are allotted per state, based on population. Following completion of the U.S. Census, each state is to receive the data and conduct a redrawing of congressional districts to reflect equal and fair representations, known as redistricting.

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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