Representatives to Roll Out PA Financial Reform Plan

December 16, 2019

WHAT: No dollar collected, held or spent by state government belongs to the government. As stewards of taxpayer money, a group of representatives will unveil their proposed reforms to strengthen the financial management of the Commonwealth.

WHO: The bills’ sponsors, Reps. Seth Grove (R-York), Dawn Keefer (R-York/Cumberland), Andrew Lewis (R-Dauphin) and Tim O’Neal (R-Washington), will be joined by Eileen Norcross, vice president of Policy Research, with the Mercatus Center and supporters.

WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: Media Center, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: Barring any technical difficulty, the press conference will be live-streamed at

Media contact: Greg Gross, 717.260.6374,

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