Aug. 21, 2019

DOVER – Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) is calling on residents to help point out problem roads and infrastructure in the 196th Legislative District as part of his Drive the District campaign.

Residents are asked to contact Grove’s office at 717-767-3947, or email, to report an issue in the district that needs fixed. Residents must include the location and a brief description of the problem. The deadline to report an issue is Friday, Aug. 30.

“I will personally drive to the area and check it out. My staff will also alert the appropriate agency of the problem,” Grove said. “Our roads and other infrastructure are some the most important aspects of our communities. This program is designed to make sure the right agencies know about any issues there may be.”

The 196th District includes Dover, Paradise, Jackson, North Codorus and West Manchester townships, as well as Spring Grove, Dover and New Salem boroughs.

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /