House Sends Grove Bill to Increase Transparency to Senate
June 27, 2019
HARRISBURG – Continuing his quest to improve transparency in state government, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) introduced House Bill 1502 to help ensure taxpayers know how every cent they send to the state is appropriated. Grove’s legislation was advanced unanimously by the House today and now goes to the Senate for consideration.
“This bill has one simple mission: Give the public the power of knowing how their tax dollars are being spent,” Grove said. “This sort of information shouldn’t be tucked away. Rather, it should be readily and easily available to the public.”
Grove’s bill would accomplish the task by enhancing the Pennsylvania Treasury’s Transparency Portal website and codify the program so it’s available to taxpayers for decades to come. Specifically, the portal would include an analysis of the General Fund, as well as daily updated revenue and expenditures, short- and long-term investments by the Treasury, an analysis of appropriations for Commonwealth programs and other data.
About a year ago, state Treasurer Joe Torsella implement the Treasury’s Transparency Portal. Since then, it has been a valuable tool for taxpayers. However, since the portal was created under Torsella’s watch, his successor could opt not to continue this service.
“My bill would ensure this tool is available for the public indefinitely,” Grove said. “The public has a right to know this information so they can view in nearly real time what their tax dollars are used for and what its being spent on.”
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /
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