Statewide Commerce Court, Part of Government for Today’s World, Approved by House

May 7, 2019

HARRISBURG – Legislation by Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), part of policy reforms the House has undertaken to improve how Pennsylvania operates, was approved by the House on Monday.

Under Grove’s House Bill 332, the state Superior Court and Courts of Common Pleas would be given the option of creating Commerce Courts to ensure businesses receive effective and efficient treatment when navigating the Commonwealth’s legal system.

“We have witnessed the success of specialized courts in the state, whether it be Veterans Treatment Court or Philadelphia’s Commerce Case Management Program, which has proven to be an effective and efficient system to handle business cases,” Grove said. “This bill builds on Philadelphia’s success and seeks to expend it to all parts of the Commonwealth.”

House Bill 332 would bring uniformity when intricate business legal matters are brought before the courts. These programs have judges dedicated to hearing and deciding business-related cases. The specialized courts would handle complex business cases, including: acquisitions, mergers, dissolutions and liquidations, among other items.

The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Grove’s bill is part of the comprehensive #GovtDoneRight effort in the House to improve how state government operates so it works more effectively and efficiently for the people. For more information on initiatives, visit

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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