Grove to Host Citizens’ Forum in Spring Grove

May 23, 2019

YORK – State Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) will hold a Citizens’ Forum at the Spring Grove Borough Building, 1 Campus Ave., on Thursday, May 30, from 6–8 p.m. to discuss legislative accomplishments and the budget.

“We have been very busy in the Legislature this session and I want to share with residents an update on the government reform and workforce development bills we passed in the House,” Grove said. “It is also budget season and I’ll also provide an update on the budget.”

Grove will give updates on state legislative issues during the forum. Residents are encouraged to ask questions and join in the robust dialogue.

This is the third and final forum Grove will hold this spring. There’s no need to RSVP ahead of time.

The 196th District includes Dover, Paradise, Jackson, North Codorus and West Manchester townships, as well as Spring Grove, Dover and New Salem boroughs.

Residents, who are unable to attend the forum, but have a question, concern or idea to discuss, may call Grove’s district office during normal business hours. The phone number is 717-767-3947. Citizens also are invited to contact Grove electronically through his website at or to join his Facebook community at

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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