House Committee Approves Grove Bill to Create Statewide Commerce Court
March 12, 2019
HARRISBURG – To ensure Pennsylvania businesses are dealt with an effective and efficient manner during the legal process, the House Judiciary Committee today approved legislation by House Government Oversight Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) to allow for statewide Commerce Courts.
“My legislation builds on the success of Philadelphia’s Commerce Case Management Program, which was implemented more than a decade ago,” Grove said. “Since then, the program has gained a reputation for its effective, efficient and predictable rulings on complex business cases. With the success of the program there, it makes perfect sense to expand it to include the entire Commonwealth.”
House Bill 332 would allow the state Supreme Court to create Commerce Courts in counties across the state, which provides a uniformity when intricate business legal matters are brought before the courts. These programs have judges dedicated to hearing and deciding business-related cases. The specialized courts would handle complex business cases, including: acquisitions, mergers, dissolutions and liquidations, among other items.
The legislation will now be considered by the House of Representatives.
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /
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