Grove Named Chairman of Newly Formed House Oversight Committee

February 21, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) was selected to serve as the inaugural chairman of the newly created House Oversight Committee for the 2019-20 Legislative Session.

“Being named the chairman of the House Oversight Committee is a great honor and a responsibility, which doesn’t rest lightly on my shoulders,” Grove said. “The work this committee will do this session, and how it’s led, will set a precedent for years to come. I look forward to leading this committee and making sure Pennsylvanians have the needed oversight they deserve.”

The nine-member committee will investigate matters referred by the speaker, majority leader or minority leader. The majority party is tasked with appointing five members and the minority party appoints the remaining four.

The House Oversight Committee stems from legislation, House Bill 2026, which Grove introduced last session. The aim of the committee is to provide better legislative oversight on how tax dollars are spent and how state agencies operate. The committee mirrors the House Committee on Oversight and Reform in the U.S. Congress.

“The goal of this committee is to create a culture of oversight in the House,” Grove said. “Specifically, we will ensure laws passed by the Legislature meets their legislative goals.”

In addition to serving as chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Grove is also serving on the House Appropriations, Finance, Insurance and State Government committees. He is also the chairman of the Subcommittee on Government and Financial Oversight under the House Appropriations Committee.

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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