Jun. 04, 2018
HARRISBURG – Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) issued the following statement after the resignation of Sen. Scott Wagner as representative of the 28th Senate District in the Pennsylvania General Assembly:
“Sen. Wagner’s commitment to ending status quo governing is a breath of fresh air in a stale and non-operational state government predicated on spend first and tax more policies. Three years ago, Sen. Wagner envisioned creating a bicameral group of legislators focused on fixing the financial insolvency of Pennsylvania, not by taking more of taxpayers’ hard-earned money or creating more pain to our economy, but through better fiscal oversight of current taxpayers’ dollars and pro-economic growth policies.”
“While his resignation from the Pennsylvania Senate is a loss to the people of the 28th Senate District, I know it will be a long-term benefit for our Commonwealth. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work alongside Sen. Wagner as co-chairs of the Taxpayers’ Caucus. I offer him best wishes on his future endeavor.”
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepGrove.com /