Grove Statement on Passage of American Health Care Act, Giving States More Flexibility
HARRISBURG – Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act, which gives states more flexibility in addressing health care issues:

“Yesterday’s vote is a victory for Americans and for states’ inherent right to choose health care policies which best suit its citizens. The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, placed unjust constraints on states like Pennsylvania, and drove up costs for its taxpayers. I am hopeful the U.S. Senate will take up and pass the American Health Care Act.

“The American Health Care Act, coupled with innovative Medicaid reform measures I will introduce in the state House, would drive down costs for residents. Under my two-bill plan, the office of Independent Medicaid Director, which would coordinate the care of our most vulnerable within the budgeted appropriations, would be created. My second bill would allow for comprehensive Medicaid waivers requiring work requirements, lifetime limits, copayments for non-medical use of emergency room visits and transportation, and Health Savings Accounts.

“I urge Congress to continue to return power and decisions back to states. Reducing mandates and allowing for flexibility are positive steps forward to address Pennsylvania’s current financial situation. Policy drives budgets and without robust policy changes, our budget realities will never change.”

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /