Select Subcommittee on Technical Education and Career Readiness

>> Final Report of the Select Subcommittee on Technical Education and Career Readiness

Pursuant to House Resolution 102, I was selected to serve as Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on Technical Education and Career Readiness. This subcommittee was created to study and review the commonwealth’s career and technical education policy. It is critically important, in this dynamic and competitive global economy, to ensure our workforce is prepared to meet the needs of our evolving business communities.  

The Chairman of the House Education Committee appointed four members from the House Education Committee to serve on the select subcommittee, and the Minority Chairman of the House Education Committee appointed two members from the House Education Committee. The Majority and Minority Chairmen of the House Education Committee served as ex-officio members of the select subcommittee.

Throughout the 2015-16 session, we held hearings across the Commonwealth to carefully evaluate the educational approach to career and technical education (CTE) in Pennsylvania and create proposals to better promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.  

The following members were appointed to the Select Subcommittee: 
•Representative Seth Grove (R), Majority Chairman 
•Representative Harry Lewis (R) 
•Representative Kathy Rapp (R) 
•Representative Stan Saylor (R), ex-officio 
•Representative Mike Tobash (R) 
•Representative Patrick Harkins (D), Minority Chairman 
•Representative Gerald Mullery (D) 
•Representative James Roebuck (D),ex-officio 

Members were appointed to the Commission in March 2015. Subsequently, the Select Subcommittee held seven public hearings. Testimony from the hearings is available here


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