Taxpayers' Caucus

“Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets.” - Ronald Reagan 

About the Taxpayers’ Caucus:
Founded as a result of the 2015-2016 budget impasse, the Taxpayers’ Caucus was created by members of the House and Senate with the single purpose of changing the culture of Harrisburg.

The lack of financial accountability within state government has created the current culture where the only discussion is over how much the state increases spending. In order to cover the increased costs of the status quo, Harrisburg continues to ask taxpayers to adjust their budgets without ever adjusting our own.

In order to achieve a change in this culture, the Taxpayers’ Caucus will advocate for reforms, which improve financial accountability and oversight while protecting taxpayers.

Mission Statement:

The goal of the Taxpayers’ Caucus is to protect the taxpayers of Pennsylvania by identifying and promoting:

  • - Budget reforms which increase transparency and accountability.
  • - Opportunities to reform programs to maximize service to Pennsylvanians while minimizing costs.
  • - Opportunities to eliminate or consolidate programs that provide services that are either duplicative or not necessary.

As part of my ongoing efforts to rein in the size of government and ensure that your tax dollars are being spent wisely, I am engaged in a number of efforts to promote efficiency in government.

I am the Co-Chair of the bicameral Taxpayer’s Caucus which is seeking to find efficiencies in government spending ensure accountability and produce savings for the taxpayers. I am leading that effort with State Sen. Scott Wagner of York. We have held a number of meetings to discuss methods to improve state government and stand up for the taxpayers.

I am also a member of PennSAVE. This working group within the House of Representatives, is also looking at ways to produce government efficiencies.
Before taxpayers are asked to take a pay cut in order to send more money to Harrisburg, state government first needs to make sure it has explored every practical option for reducing costs. That is exactly why the PennSAVE (Savings, Accountability, Value and Efficiency) initiative was created.

It is time for government to be accountable to the taxpayers it represents. Join our cause by submitting your idea on how to cut costs and make government more efficient.

I also authored a report about ways to balance the state budget without increasing broad-based taxes like the personal income tax or sales tax. I identified approximately $759 million that could be used to balance the state budget.

“If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds.” - Alexander Hamilton

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