Grove Seeking Input on Election Hearings, Announces New Hearing Schedule

March 11, 2021

HARRISBURG – House State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover) announced today the committee is seeking input from residents on the election hearings and the topics of the hearings it has been holding.

“The committee strives to be transparent, and part of the initiative is achieved by receiving feedback on the election hearings it has been conducting,” Grove said. “Elections provide a voice to the people and I believe they deserve the same voice as the committee reviews and works to improve the election process.”

The House State Government Committee has been holding comprehensive election hearings since January to review all aspects of how elections are held in Pennsylvania. The aim is to improve elections and restore trust in how they are conducted and their results. 

To provide feedback on the hearings, go to, or go to and click on “State Government Committee” under the Initiatives tab. From there, click on “Garnering Feedback on the Election Hearings.” 

The updated schedule is as follows:

March 18: Mail-in and absentee ballots.
March 25: County election day operations and satellite offices.
April 1: Election integrity and accessibility policy.
April 8: Overview of how other states conduct elections.
April 15: Stakeholders and member testimony.

All hearings will be livestreamed at and Completed hearings can be viewed by going to Grove’s website and clicking on “State Government Committee” under the Initiatives tab. 

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact:  Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /


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