Local Republicans Issue Statement on Storming of U.S. Capitol
January 6, 2021
HARRISBURG – In response to the storming of the United States Capitol by protestors, local Republicans, Appropriations Chair Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), House State Government Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover) and Reps. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Torren Ecker (R-Adams/Cumberland) Mike Jones (R-York Township), Dawn Keefer (R-York/Cumberland) and Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam); and Sens. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York), Dave Arnold (R-Lebanon/Dauphin/York) and Mike Regan (R-York/Cumberland) issued the following statement:
“The storming of the U.S. Capitol by protesters has absolutely turned our stomachs and just as we condemned the multiple violent protests over the summer, these actions cannot be tolerated. It cannot be tolerated and those involved must be swiftly brought to justice.
“Naturally, we don’t always agree when it comes to politics, and that is the case now more than ever. However, that is absolutely no reason for the disgusting events in Washington, D.C., to occur. As Americans, we pride ourselves on civility. On the ability for two sides to come together and discuss matters in a meaningful and respectful fashion. This display is neither of those things. Rather, it is a mob raiding a United States government building that houses our elected members of Congress. It must be stopped, and cooler heads must prevail for the sake of our nation and our future.”
York County House Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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